Under The Radar Mag 

Fusing Quickfire riffs and nascent beats with sharp, witty and occasionally poignant lyrics, they’ve become one of the most exciting live acts of late on the always reliable Liverpool scene 


Get Into This
It’s a fair noise from this duo. Angular guitars rip through the air like buzzard blades, it’s fierce…  

With too many references to list, it’s a magpie mix of Brit guitar indie in the melting pot, with enough twists in tracks to keep you intrigued to hear the next

Louder than War
“The Game is 3 minutes and 22 seconds of pure passion and aggression… a must listen” 


The Last Stop Sounds
“This band push their instruments to the limit, filling every gap with a squawk and a scratch. They do this because they have things to say about our world, our culture and our time. Go out there and listen to these guys speak!”  


Liverpool Noise
“Unapologetic and electrifying… The Indie Pleasure Island produce has tinges of early Arctic Monkeys, but has a more musical quality and a distinctly Liverpool feel” 






★★★★ ½ X-Press Magazine
“This debut album is a fully-realised, diverse and ridiculously fucking catchy record”

★★★★★★★  Space Ship News
“One of the most interesting and exciting bands in Perth for years.”

★★★★ Time Off
“Levelling relevant quips at the state of the economy and espousing that we’re all basically screwed, it’s hard not to start flipping two finger salutes at the authorities.” 

★★★★★★★ ½ Tone Deaf
“…an excellent listen. One looks forward to what is to come from this highly talented duo” 


RTRFM Local Feature Album